IRS Representation

“Take on” the IRS Without Lifting a Finger

There is nothing more time-consuming than a “crash course” in tax law when the IRS decides to audit your return. Just the time it takes to gather the documentation supporting every line item on your tax return is substantial, never mind the additional time it will take you to learn about tax laws. And when that audit letter arrives in the mailbox, you WILL spend the additional time because you know that by not complying with the auditor’s every request, you will likely end up with a hefty tax bill complete with interest and fees for tax deficiency. Meanwhile, your business and your personal life will suffer.

An IRS Tax Auditor is trained to pick apart a tax return and scrutinize every line. It’s an auditor’s job to extract every scrap of information that you are legally obliged to provide.

Tax Auditors are the experts of the world of tax returns, and you are an expert of… well, something else. Would you hire a novice to come in and run your business to compete against your expert competitors? So, why meet the IRS on your own?

Our clients rarely have to do more than forward us an IRS Notification of Audit Letter — should one arrive. As part of our expert tax preparation services, we take on the IRS for you. We handle the paperwork, the questions, the scrutiny, and the intimidation factor while you go on about your business as usual.

If you have received an IRS Audit Letter, go ahead and fill out the form at the bottom of this page. One of our tax specialists will be in touch with a FREE CONSULTATION.

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Ready to come in for an appointment?

Click here to schedule a time to meet with us. We will NOT make dealing with a tax professional as painful as it’s been in the past!